
The Value of a BIA Membership

YOU HAVE A BUSINESS TO RUN. The complex landscape of rules and regulations are ever-changing. We’ve got your back.  While you are building the places people call home, we are building support for the industry.

WE HELP MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. BIA programs can grow your market, put cash back in your pocket, and increase your technical knowledge. Take advantage of these resources and realize the maximum value of your membership!

3-IN-1 PROVIDES A VOICE AT ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT. When you join the BIA of Clark County, you automatically become a member of the Building Industry Association of Washington and the National Association of Home Builders. Belonging to all three organizations gives you a voice in local, state, and national issues that affect your business.



 Local government affairs support to help you navigate daily hurdles. Year-round local, state, & national lobbying for your business.

Health and Wealth

Health & Wealth

Take your money back with Return on Industrial Insurance. Give high-value benefits to your employees through BIAW’s Health Insurance and the minimal-fee BIA401k.

BIA Benefits: Referrals


We provide Clark County’s most comprehensive and trusted directory for industry experts—the BIA Membership Directory is available online and in print.

BIA Benefits: Visibility


Gain recognition with your peers through networking events. Gain access to consumers through BIA home shows. Drive sales with our advertising solutions.


Save money on products and services you use every day.

BIA Benefits: Learning


Advance your career by advancing your knowledge. Award-winning courses & professional designations.

Ready to Join?

More members = more influence. With you in our midst, our voice gets louder and the industry gets stronger.

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