New Homes Tour 2020
- Visit the hottest new homes on the market featuring a wide variety of home styles created by various builders. Homes are priced from low $300,000’s to over a million.
- You can preview each home in the show guide. Admission to the New Homes Tour is free for all ages.
- If attending the New Homes Tour in-person, please review COVID-19 Safety Tips.
- Please note: Face masks are required and homes will be limited to 3 people inside at any given time.
How to Experience
- See homes featured in the Summer New Homes Tour in the Show Guide
- Print an event map (coming soon for the Fall NW Natural New Homes Tour)
- Print driving directions (coming soon for the Fall NW Natural New Homes Tour)
- Start at any home on the tour
- Visit between the hours of 11:00 am & 5:00 pm
- *Some builders require an appointment due to COVID-19 so please check below and book an appointment online
- New This Year: Virtual Tours
People’s Choice Awards
Winners to be announced at the BIA’s Evening of Excellence Awards Show on Thursday, October 22
Sponsors of the Summer New Homes Tour presented by Fairway Independent Mortgage
Please note: The BIA of Clark County and the builders participating in the New Homes Tour are continually updating their best practices and adopting new guidance from appropriate governmental and health agencies and officials to ensure compliance with all social distancing, mitigation, and cleaning protocols. Attendees must follow the safety procedures and protocols established for the New Homes Tour including but not limited to wearing face coverings, maintaining physical distances of 6 feet from staff and other people onsite and other reasonable measures to minimize possible exposure. Despite the preventative measures we have put in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19, we cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while visiting the homes participating in the New Homes Tour. Therefore, if you choose to enter onto the premises, or into the homes, you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19. You voluntarily assume such risk related to COVID-19 from being on the premises or entering the homes in the Tour.

Fall NW Natural New Homes Tour
First 2 Weekends in October
October 1: Kick-off event, NW Natural Chef, Hop & Vine
October 3-4 & 10-11 // 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Visit the hottest new homes on the market featuring a wide variety of home styles created by various builders. Homes are priced from mid-$300,000’s to mid-$900,000’s.
- You can preview each home in the show guide (when released). Admission to the NW Natural New Homes Tour is free for all ages.
- Submit a home to be included in the Fall NW Natural New Homes Tour. Fall New Homes Tour Application.